The best RV battery for a well-prepared trip

The best RV battery for a well-prepared trip

An RV trip can be a great way to explore the world, discover new destinations and have adventures. So how do you best prepare yourself for such a trip? In addition to the household matters that need to be taken care of, a well-prepared vehicle battery is crucial to ensuring that your trip goes smoothly.

In this blog post, we focus on the essential preparation of your vehicle's battery for a worry-free RV trip. We discuss important aspects such as battery selection, checking and replacing it, and optimizing battery charge to ensure your vehicle is reliable and won't let you down during your adventures.

Which RV battery is the best choice?

At Autobat, we recommend the IntAct Lithium Power battery . This battery is the perfect alternative to lead-acid batteries for mobile home, marine, solar and hobby applications.

This battery can be recognized by its extraordinarily low weight, stable voltage at extreme loads and maximum safety. The lithium battery brings weight savings of 60% compared to conventional lead-acid or gel power batteries of similar rated capacity. It is also protected against splash and blast water according to IP66. The battery is suitable for 12V installation, but not suitable as a starter battery.


  • Lithium technology (LIFePO4)
  • Extremely long life with 100% capacity utilization - 3,500 cycles
  • Dimensions: LxWxH = 353x175x190mm
  • Screw poles or round poles
  • Integrated Battery Management System (BMS). 

Why is this a good RV battery?

  • Extremely powerful

Thanks to lithium technology, this battery has an extremely high power density and can deliver the necessary capacity at a depth of discharge (DOD) of almost 100% without any problems.

Benefit: Lots of power in a very small space.


  • Quick and safe to use again

Thanks to the lithium technology, the battery requires particularly short charging times and can withstand partial charges. The integrated BMS (Battery Management System) ensures that all cells are optimally charged and the battery does not overheat.

Benefit: Excellent for off-grid use.


  • Absolutely flexible

Because there is no liquid electrolyte, this battery can be placed in any position. And because, thanks to lithium, it is light and does not emit fumes, they are installed almost anywhere. So also in the interior of your motorhome.

 Benefit: Installable anywhere, even in the interior.


In addition to lithium technology, we also offer the standard technologies for such applications, namely: lead acid, AGM and gel. These standard technologies can be found both in cyclic batteries as well as in (semi-)traction batteries.

Maintenance of an RV battery while traveling

Besides the choice of battery, a well-maintained battery is the key to a worry-free trip full of fun and adventure. So how do you make sure your RV battery is and stays in optimal condition before you leave and during your trip?

  • Check the battery: Regularly check the condition of the battery, including the cables and connections. Make sure there is no corrosion or loose connections. If necessary, clean the connections and replace worn cables.
  • Replace old batteries: If your battery is older than three to five years, consider replacing it. Old batteries can struggle to provide adequate power, which can result in starting problems during your trip.
  • Optimize battery charging: Use solar panels or a battery charger to charge the battery when you are not driving. This will keep the battery adequately charged and prevent it from running out during your trip.
  • Reduce power consumption: Minimize unnecessary power consumption by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, for example. Use energy-efficient appliances and consider LED lighting to reduce power consumption.


Still not sure about which battery to choose? At Autobat we are happy to help!

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